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Quantumly Confused

QHack 2021 - Circuit Training Track

QHack 2021 - Circuit Training Track

Overview and walkthrough of Xadanu QHACK 2021 Circuit Training Track. Three challenges, circuit_training 100, 200, 500 increasing in difficulty with a focus on applying QML to train a series of circuits on unknown grading input to within a tolerance.

Qiskit Quantum Challenge Fall 2020

Qiskit Quantum Challenge Fall 2020

Overview and walkthrough of IBM Qiskit Fall 2020 Quantum Final Challenge excercise with a focus on theoretically solving and circuit decomposition for reduced complexity cost. By the end of the improvement iterations the successful circuit resulted in a 12k complexity.

Hack the Box - Tabby

Hack the Box - Tabby

HTB Tabby machine walkthrough. Tabby starts off with careful recon enumeration leveraging local file inclusion to harvest credentials then using those credentials to establish a foothold through Apache manager script usage. User escalation then came through a backup zip file encrypted with the user's system password, gathered by using zip2john. Lastly root privesc was achieved by leveraging LXD system container manager as the regular user was part of the lxd control group. Overall this was a fun box to get back into the swing of things after a couple month hiatus and I learned a few tips and tricks.

Org-in-a-Box - Kerberos & NFS

Org-in-a-Box - Kerberos & NFS

Second post covering my personal project of an organization in a box. Based on the initial architecture this article goes over partially setting up the first two authentication servers in the project leveraging MIT Kerberos and NFSv4. These hosts will serve as the core base for the rest of the Org-in-a-Box project and a subsequent post will cover the LDAP and DBIS configuration on these hosts.

Org-in-a-Box - Architecture

Org-in-a-Box - Architecture

Initial post covering my personal project of an organization in a box. Using fundamental open source Identity and Access Management components of an organization in a self-contained box to explore and expand knowledge of those various components. This article will cover the overall architecture and help establish the high level plan moving forward.

NSEC 2020 - Dreamcast

NSEC 2020 - Dreamcast

Walkthrough of the two Dreamcast challenges from NorthSec 2020. Starting with a quick overview of the Dreamcast architecture then quickly pivoting into analyzing the provided roms follow along as I cover my approach and solution to the challenges.