HTB Haystack machine walkthrough. A particularly well designed ELK (Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana) based machine offering a chance to dig into the full logging stack.
Hack the Box - Haystack
Hack the Box - Safe
HTB Safe machine walkthrough. A contentious box from HTB requiring a custom developed ROP (return-oriented programming) exploit tied into cracking a KeepPass database.
Hack the Box - Ellingson
HTB Ellingson machine walkthrough. Web enumeration and python console abuse for initial foothold, finding sensitive backup files and hashcat cracking for User pivot, finally into a ROP based overflow exploit for root priviledge escalation.
Hack the Box - Writeup
HTB Writeup machine walkthrough. A relatively easy with an 'out-of-the-box' CMS exploit for User priviledges and an interesting login behavior abuse to pivot to root from there.
Buffer Overflows - CTF Prep

A practical buffer overflow case study presentation to our local red team explaining basic concepts and approaches.