HTB Craft machine walkthrough. A well designed moderate box from HTB that exemplified bad coding practice, sensitive data disclosures and token abuse into root.
Hack the Box - Craft
Hack the Box - Wall
HTB Wall machine walkthrough. An easy Linux machine from HTB that focused on RCE WAF bypass to establish an initial foothold then a direct pivot to root using a vulnerable suid binary.
Hack the Box - Heist
HTB Heist machine walkthrough. Credential harvesting and spraying, dumping a running process to capture further credentials and a final credential spray to get Administrator access.
Hack the Box - Chainsaw
HTB Chainsaw machine walkthrough. Anonymous ftp connections, smart contract abuse, InterPlanetary File System and cracked password protected ssh private keys for user pivot. A loosely defined SUID file and PATH hijacking for root shell then finally leveraging root.txt's slack space to get the final flag.
Hack the Box - Networked
HTB Networked machine walkthrough. Generally discussed as the easiest of the active boxes at time of retirement there is nothing particularly complex with getting to root.
Hack the Box - Jarvis
HTB Jarvis machine walkthrough. Jarvis involved a SQL Injection and a web-shell for initial foothold into sudo and filter bypass to User pivot with a final systemctl abuse to pivot into root.