HTB Postman machine walkthrough. Postman was a quick, simple machine from HTB. We start off with a redis exploit for initial foothold, then pivot to user by using JTR to crack a backup SSH key before finally using an authenticated Webmin exploit to escalate ourselves to root.
Hack the Box - Postman
Hack the Box - Bankrobber
Starting with a client side XSS exploit to get admin app credentials, then chaining it with a localhost code execution bypass we get a user priviledged shell. A suspicious app running locally as System then presented a ... delicate ... buffer overflow opporunity to pivot into System priviledges.
Hack the Box - Zetta
HTB Zetta machine walkthrough. Starting with an FTP FXP IPv6 leak, to an rsync brute-force for user access to the machine. Once on, chained custom syslog messages with a postgres SQL injection to pivot user access. Finally, a dubious password policy leads to using discovered credentials and adapting them to the root password for system level access.
Quantum Computing - Hello World

An introductary look into Quantum Computing including the mechanics, concepts and mathematics involved. The focus will then shift to a practical implementation of these concepts using simulated environments and the qiskit python framework.
Hack the Box - AI
HTB AI machine walkthrough. Initial portions were more frustrating than complicated, reminiscent of daily struggles dealing with various home assistants. Once foothold was established priviledged escalation to root involved abusing a java debugging process running locally.
Hack the Box - Bitlab
HTB Bitlab machine walkthrough. A fun little box that has us work through gitlab based exploitation. From erroneously stored user credentials, to uploading and merging our own files to the project, to finally exploiting hooks to execute our own code as root, this box was a good overview of various gitlab functionality.