Walkthrough of NSEC 2022's Safe Cracking Challenge. Originally planned as a physical track the challenge was adapted to a computer variant. This post will cover the basics of safe cracking theory, how it translates to our provided challenge material, and ultimately the solution.
NSEC 2022 - Safe Cracking

NSEC 2022 - N64 - ROM Reverse Engineering

Walkthrough of NSEC 2022's two Nintendo 64 challenges. This post will cover the ROM analysis, including loading into Ghidra, extracting debug symbols from a separately provided dump, and then stepping through the logic loop to determine the right input.
Open Source Quantum Computing - First Qiskit Contribution

Sharing the process and my experience at contributing back to the qiskit open source community. Hoping to shed transparency on the process and inspire more folks to get involved in the community.
Qiskit Quantum Challenge - Fall 2021

Overview and walkthrough of the IBM Qiskit Fall 2021 Quantum Challenge with a focus on how the challenges were solved and lessons learned.
Qiskit Quantum Challenge - Africa 2021

Overview and walkthrough of the IBM Qiskit Africa 2021 Quantum Challenge with a focus on how the challenges were solved and lessons learned.
QHack 2022 - Coding Challenge Highlights

Overview of personal favorites encountered during Xanadu's 2022 QHack with a focus on how it was approached and solved, as well as why I believe these specific challenges demonstrate important Quantum Computing or Pennylane specific concepts.